
Misurazione del peso tramite celle di carico.

Collegabile agli indicatore della serie Extrim

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Piastra Pesatrice per Veicoli

Modello:Piastra pesatrice per Veicoli  Codice:PPA Piastra pesatrice per Veicoli

2 rampe con struttura in alluminio.

Misurazione del peso tramite celle di carico.

Collegabile agli indicatore della serie Extrim

Peso: 22kg

Dimensioni: 600 x 527 mm

Altezza: 53mm

Capacità:      kg    1000

                  kg    3000

kg 10.000


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1. WF wireless transmission to indicator.
Our constant research for the solution of our customer problems has brought us to achieve WF, the innovative wireless weight system which allow you to connect any
weighing platform and weigh bridges any kind and dimension, to the weighing indicator or to a PC, without the wiring cables.
Confort, versatility, easy to install and moving are the maximum with WF.
The transmission system consisting of two transceiver RF which can realize a wireless bi-directional communication.
The maximum RX/TX range, if the antennas are in LOS, can reach a maximum of 40 meters.
With a directional antenna you can reach until 350 meters.
It’ a Trade Approved system.
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